Ask these Questions, in all honesty. Be wary of self deception!
What is the value proposition discussion? How is it getting shaped & accepted?
What is it’s impact on pricing & field sales finalisation? How does the Salesforce evangelize and ooze the essence of business?
What is the pricing uptake? Is it affecting the sales/revenues at all? How is it impacting positioning & closures? Are the brand offerings getting desired value? How to manage complexity for customers to make decisions? Are sales-channels aligned with business objectives and customer acquisition requirements?
What are the objections & issues being faced for successful conclusion in sales? How is it getting addressed-negotiated? Is the prospective customer able to make the buy and the salesperson able to hold-finalise the sale?
How to identify & build unique sale opportunities? Is the sales review on right parameters to push? Is the pipeline of business getting nourished across stages? How is the business being benchmarked & validated with new sales?
Which parts of the Sales & BD are doing well? Where would a leverage exist to multiply the results?
Are sales & marketing teams effectively deployed for increasing the success of prospect-customers? What are the leads & efforts contributing to customer success?
Selling or vending? Winning or taking the leftovers? Are the necessary-key levers in building the revenue base, getting established?
Is the prospect-customer related communication-touchpoints-experience calibrated for required outcome?
Where are the opportunity-zones and which long term prospect-development efforts are to be nourished? Where and how is the digital transformation being harnessed for sales support? Are all the boxes getting ticked?