Digital Freedom :
As much as you need/want and in any increment of use - whenever and at any time of your intent
Extensive access to applications & use cases which are commonly in deployment
Self-driven, self-managed & self-administered by Consumers
Digital Choice :
Large number of options to design-implement your functional requirement
Maximum customization & extensive personalization capabilities
Robust apps with plugins through a wide ecosystem of devices / use-points from varied suppliers
Digital Independence :
No subscription / No user fees & its complications
No annual payouts / No upgrade fees - with zero conditional ownership or such obligatory usage
No promotion or tagging of specific/proprietary specialists to widen expense flows
Digital Dreams :
Great User Interface - friendly, intuitive & simple : allowing Users to explore possibilities
Connected devices evolve, upgrade, update & grow - OTA, regularly through lifetime of use
Free+extensive ONLINE access to worldwide user groups, intl support & multi-media information
And most times, the assurances of such digital experience happiness may be achieved whilst working with industry leading solutions from product offerings which are available GLOBALLY and developed with adherence to widely available standards / protocols / practices. In other words - GLOBAL LEADERS in technology & implemented-managed-personalized by users, everywhere.
(Sanjaya Hasthak)