Everyone suffers from this, in business!
Not just the salesperson, sales manager, marketing person, business owner/promoter/stakeholder...
Your colleagues, support staff & the customer/buyer (yes!) also get affected by certain forms of Sales Anxiety.
Don't forget that families of Salespersons also manage the effects of this inevitable outcome of Selling as a profession & hence can have much larger effect in addressing it, across our society.
There are several forms of Sales Anxiety and you need to be aware of :
Communication anxiety
Convincing anxiety
Judgement anxiety
Performance anxiety
Discussion anxiety
Information anxiety
Price anxiety
Peer anxiety
Here are a few pointers which may be useful in working with Sales Anxiety - which has untold impact on businesses, everywhere :
It is a natural outcome and don't try to beat it in a hurry or brush it away
Everyone does not react in the same way - keep refreshing this thought
Sales Anxiety, in control - is NOT really a bad thing for anyone
Don't create new habits/displays to mask your Sales Anxieties
Don't let your Sales Anxieties define the Selling-Buying in a Customer Engagement Experience
Identifying-Assisting others to assuage their Sales Anxieties, will help you to manage yours!
For any support or more information to work with this - in your business, write to : info@SBSdimensionS.com
